

2019 GlobalCCU Forum in Sao Paulo - Academia Santander

GlobalCCU live Benchmarking tour

Launched in 2016, Academia Santander is a Corporate University that aims to develop people to reinvent the way of being and doing banking. The academy gives the employees a cross-cutting view of the organization and encourages them to be the protagonist of their own career and development.

The use of different methodologies, such as phenomenal learning, virtual reality and flipped classroom has transformed the learning experience and is focused in creating value for the business – learning also takes place in digital environments. About 80% of the face-to-face learning experiences are delivered by internal facilitators. The Academy has five physical units in Brazil.

The bus transfer to Academia Santander, provided by BradescoA warm welcome awaited the attendeesAward winners proudly show their Corporate University team photo

Unforgettable welcome and experience!

The benchmarking tour at Academia Santander began with a presentation of the Academy’s manifesto, key figures, audience and strategic knowledge/competences, KPIs and the challenges for the future by Ricardo Bretas, Head of Learning & Organizational Development and Joana Rebocho, VP of Human Resources.

This was followed by a guided tour through the physical and virtual spaces of the Academia Santander, that was designed with the objective of experiencing its values and purpose. Attendees visited the manifesto wall, the behavior space, the prototyping room and the grandstand of this very colourful and innovative Academy.

During the tour, the delegates were also able to experience some of the training, such as the knowledge game, the VR experience about diversity and the Risk Room to help them understand the transformation of Santander’s learning experiences in practice.

The tour gave an opportunity to exchange ideas and best practices together and ended with a plenary session about the delegates perceptions and feedback. Marisa Eboli presented her analysis of Academia Santander contained in her 4th National Survey on Corporate Education led in 2018, and Annick Renaud-Coulon highlighted the very innovative characteristics of this amazing Corporate University.