2019 GlobalCCU Forum in Sao Paulo - Unibrad
Universidad corporativa Bradesco
Bradesco Corporate University, launched in 2013, was created from a solid training structure that accumulated the experience of more than 40 years capacitating and developing employees of the Bradesco organization throughout the country. Unibrad governance model established a capacitation system, based on competencies essential to the viability of business strategies, promoting an active learning process linked to the Organization’s objectives and goals.

The educational solutions developed by Unibrad, including its 11 units distributed in several regions of the country, aim to support the capacitation, innovation and people’s life purpose, as well as strengthening trust-based relationships with employees, clients and society, with ethics and social responsibility.

The results are outstanding, and the figures illustrate its efficacy and importance to the Organization’s results. In 2018, 793,500 participations were registered in more than 2,300 programs available, between face-to-face and online training. Within the digital environment, Unibrad records the history of more than 1.39 million accesses in various channels and media.
Outstanding welcome and experience at Unibrad!
A specially commissioned painting to commemorate the event was personally signed by all the attendees. Everyone took away a souvenir photo of their visit to the Best Overall Corporate University winner 2017.

Then the session started with an introduction of Glaucimar Peticov and Annick Renaud-Coulon.

Executive Director, Glaucimar Peticov gave a passionate presentation about Unibrad, (2017 winner in Gold category of Best overall Corporate University). She highlighted its culture and organisational values, its vision and mission that spell out education for professional excellence and social mobility, being a reference in the training of competencies and leaders, strengthening the value of the brand and its social commitment.

She used gamification to open her speech and there was a demonstration of a card game which encouraged all the participants to explore ‘fast problem solving’ and ‘teamwork’. It was an enigmatic, fast and fun game where ‘thinking out of the box’ is the only solution. Glaucimar, in addition to presenting the service structure and the areas that make up Unibrad, emphasised how corporate education brings value both to people and their careers. The attendees debated during breakout sessions prepared and facilitated by Unibrad moderators.
Marisa Eboli highlighted the strengths of Unibrad presented in her 4th National Survey on Corporate Education led in 2018.
Experimental Learning Sessions

Participants chose one of three different tracks :
Track 1 – Bruce Marks, Senior Vice President, AMA, American Management Association, NY, (USA) led this session entitled ‘Learner Centric Learning: Fight it or Enable it through a focused learning strategy’. He shared his beliefs on how to incorporate learner centric assets into a learning journey that embraces the need/desire to look for content in the learning experience.
Track 2 – Claudia Vasquez, partner at UOL Edtech and former HR Manager of Rio 2016 Committee, engaged participants in ‘Learning in a digital mindset environment’ where she presented how the digital mindset helped to achieve the different goals of the Rio Olympic Games organisation as well patterned the way to communicate, engage and train people all over the world to deliver the Games.
Track 3 – Annick Renaud-Coulon and Michelle Leynaud, GlobalCCU gave participants an induction to the GlobalCCU CU Certification journey. They outlined the three GlobalCCU CU Certification levels and explained in detail the first Compliance level with its four pillars and the process involved.
2019 GlobalCCU Forum Closing
The GlobalCCU Forum is a true seminar with objectives, assessment and evaluation. Each day attendees were encouraged to complete the ‘Delegates Pack’ to help them reflect on their own take home objectives. Michelle Leynaud, led the evaluation of the GlobalCCU Forum, wrapping up the lessons learnt, ways to improve and conclusions of the GlobalCCU Forum through an interactive Slido to create a live poll. Delegates shared their feedback on being part of this impressive global Forum.

The finale to the GlobalCCU Forum was stunning! Following a rousing closing speech from Glaucimar Peticov and from Annick Renaud-Coulon, surprised and treated delegates to a taste of Brazil’s famous carnival spirit when four singers gave a beautiful rendition of the song ‘Oh Happy Day’. Delegates enjoyed a cocktail party of traditional Brazilian caipirinha cocktails to finish this global learning event in style!