2023 GlobalCCU Forum in Bangalore
the #1 truly global Corporate University and Learning & Development Forum
has been organised for the first time in India
on 17, 18 and 19 May
At TVS – IQL and at Bosch Learning Campus

The 2023 GlobalCCU Forum has been:
An amazing learning and communication global event that, physically brings together in Bangalore, Corporate University and Learning & Development practitioners and distinguished speakers worldwide: CEOs, executives, VIPs, experts, partners and facilitators, to share extensive experience and knowledge and to learn from each other.
A very prestigious encounter celebrating the 2023 GlobalCCU Award winners and the 10-year anniversary of the contest through a hybrid and distinguished ceremony co-chaired by the founder and Chairman of GlobalCCU and CEO of our Platinum partner.
A three-day inspiring seminar (and not a conference) bringing the delegates a real insight on the role of Corporate Universities/L&D structures to solve critical issues in our world, and on L&D tech innovations that are revolutionising the profession.
An exceptional human and intellectual journey through the sharing of the best practice nuggets of the 2023 Award winners, the innovative knowledge and experience of selected speakers and the openness provided by Partners from India and internationally which all will contribute to a unique learning mix of the event.
To all our partners, our gratitude and sincere thanks!

Forum opening
A selection of delegates representing the four corners of the world joined Annick Renaud-Coulon on stage for the lighting ceremony, which is an Indian tradition in the official inauguration of such an event.
Annick warmly welcomed everyone from a very impressive stage, and Elena Zlobina introduced our outstanding partners, before handing over to the International Association of Facilitators (IAF) for a fun icebreaker – a race to find out facts about GlobalCCU.

The role of Corporate Education in fighting climate change
As fears set in about global warming across the world, demand for climate change education is growing. The purpose of this panel discussion was not to list all the signs of the collapse of our ecological system on an unimaginable scale, but to debate on the critical role that Corporate Education / Learning & Development must play to concretely promote climate action, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and guide people and Society to adapt to the impacts of a changing climate while centring climate justice and equity. In addition to what the governments and international organisations are doing, Corporate Universities – given their essence and strategic positioning focused on practical challenges and learning solutions inside and outside their organisation, are strong levers to engage and respond to climate change as a ‘real-world’ problem, even if they cannot save the planet on their own.
Anand Shankar, Director of Tata Management Training Centre (India) impressed everybody by the way he moderated this important session on a subject raised for the first time in this context. What a talent!
Dr Leena Srivastava, in her thought-provoking keynote address, bringing facts, thoughts and analysis on what is at stake for Corporate Education with climate change, set the tone for a very valuable session and shared brilliant insights during the panel discussion.
Rio Adrianto brought a bright and generous demonstration of what his Corporate University does and a L&D structure is able to do in fighting climate change, it was particularly interesting from an energy sector company.

Shalmalee Nath who works for a large insurance company explained with talent, strength of conviction and with passion how the Climate school helps companies to make great progress in this field.
Sapnesh Lalla, CEO and founder of NIIT, reacted to the presentations and gave his views on the role of Corporate Education in this critical theme, sharing his insights, expertise and inspiring real-life experience in such an impactful and understandable way.
Well done to our high-quality exceptional panel!

L&D innovations and EdTech
that fascinate, as much as worry
The democratisation of the Internet 20 years ago, the arrival of smartphones 10 years ago, the blockchain and the metaverse in the last few years, and more recently AI with ChatGPT, shifts everything, our certainties, our convictions and our practices! The technological shock is global and we ask ourselves what will be able to supplant this revolution that seems uncontrollable. Annick Renaud-Coulon introduced this crucial topic that she wanted to put in the agenda of the 2023 GlobalCCU Forum because AI generative will have considerable consequences also for Corporate Universities and L&D structures.
Alessandro Giuliani, Managing Director, SDA Bocconi Asia Center (India) introduced Gianluca Salviotti, Associate Professor of practice Digital Transformation, SDA Bocconi, Milan (Italy) who gave us an important glimpse into this ever-evolving digital landscape helping us to understand better how to best leverage technology advancements in Learning and Development.

With Marcia Campos, UniBB, Banco do Brasil and Danilo Garbazza, Petrobras University (Brazil), we have observed concrete and impressive applications of EdTech in the service of objectives where humour was not absent. We saw how these examples were really very inspiring for all the participants.
Navin Shankar Patel, Associate Vice President at Infosys (India) introduced the Chat GPT revolution and its implementation at Infosys. His clear explanation about this state-of-the-art strategy was very empowering and will surely guide L&D executives towards this field, which is still little known by many.
Jemy Confido, Senior General Manager Telkom Corporate University (Indonesia) presented a fantastic video which demonstrated the incredible progress made by PT Telkom Indonesia when it comes to digital technology. This could not have summed up the session better!
Sampada Inamdar (Tata Motors), Prasanna Shivakamat (Atos) and Aparajita Das (Alstom) followed this well-documented introduction to successfully lead three passionate breakout sessions that explored the pros and cons of disrupted AI Edtech in L&D. Each of them, in their unique way, encouraged the delegates to reflect on this far-reaching topic and stimulated lively debates which we have been able to capture for future work.

DEBATE ON PROS AND CONS of disrupted L&D technologies

With the help of Tarika, Sushma and Bharti of IAF, the participants have produced some high-quality outcomes that it will be interesting to exploit further. Well done!

Partner suite
at the Oterra Hotel

Outstanding welcome at TVS-IQL

Winners’ Powwow
The Winners’ Powwow is an exceptional global benchmarking session highlighting the 2023 GlobalCCU Award winners’ best practice nuggets identified in their Award application, chosen by GlobalCCU independently of their Gold, Silver, Bronze award level.
In a studious, and at the same time, convivial atmosphere, attendees discovered common practices and concerns despite their cultural differences, as well as emerging practices very much in line with societal developments.

Julia Menninga (Germany) and Sampada Inamdar (India), members of the Advisory and Judging Committee led the 2023 GlobalCCU Winners’ Powwow. Many thanks to them!

Presentation of DTEK (Ukraine), TMTC (India) and Banco do Brasil (Brazil)

Presentation of CMA – CGM (France), Sandals (Jamaica) and Kemenkeu (Indonesia)

Presentation de Petrobras (Brazil), TVS Motor (India) and PLN (Indonesia)
Breaking news
After the Winners’ Powwow, the attendees were asked to create a short TV news bulletin as a fun way to share their insights

Partner suite

Experimental learning sessions
Delegates were put in situations to experiment with new methods, tools or technologies to help them to introduce innovation in their own Learning & Development structure, through the track sessions led by our Partners that were:
Strategy and culture
– Best practices in overcoming resistance to cultural transformation by Dr. Ritwik Mishra, SVP & Global Head of Consulting at Knolskape (India)
– Transforming your workforce to stay future-fit & ready for tomorrow by Ankur Gupta, Senior Director, Field Marketing and COE at Skillsoft India and Shailesh Swamy, Customer Success Manager at Skillsoft (India)
– Driving business outcomes through L&D strategy by Vivek Chandramohan, Managing Director of Wilson Learning India Private Ltd and Vice President of Wilson Learning APAC
Learning technologies
– Designing impactful learning in the age of technology by Vivek Chandramohan, Managing Director of Wilson Learning India Private Ltd and Vice President of Wilson Learning APAC
– How fast can one learn a new language? by Dr. Alexis Collomb, Chairman Strategic Advisory Board, Speekoo (France)
Learning methods
– Innovations in learning methods to achieve learning outcomes by Dr. Yogesh Kumar Bhatt, Executive Vice President and Business Head Enterprise IT Business at NIIT (India)
– Lego serious play by Rakesh Balachandran, Co-founder FocusU (India)
Leadership and people management
– Personality, Leadership and Performance by Dr. Pradnya Parasher, Founder & CEO, ThreeFish Consulting (India)
– Learning for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belongingness – Innovations Driving Culture Impact by Shreyasi Singh, Founder & CEO – Harappa Education (India)

It was funny to see each of them to make an argument to attract the delegates to their session!

Connecting people is in GlobalCCU’s DNA…
Silent communication experiment proposed by Anil Santhapuri, TVS-IQL (India)

…as well as the I NEED / I CAN HELP
Led by IAF

Yoga session
History and power of yoga by Dr. Kambhampati Subrahmanyam, Pro-Chancellor, S Vyasa University, and simple demos by two students. It was an impressive moment for all the delegates who practiced yoga for the first time for some of them!

TVS – IQL behind the scenes

Dr Kovaichelvan, Director of TVS-IQL and MN Shivaprasad, General Manager and team presented the strategic positioning, the key figures and the key activities of their Corporate University rewarded and certified by GlobalCCU at the Performance level.
The question was asked to TVS-IQL to demonstrate how it has made to TVS Motor becoming a robust global player in a complex economic, competitive business, disruptive technology, dynamic social & geopolitical environment. The session was a true inspiring moment including testimonials from TVS Motor executives, showing the unique connection between the Corporate University and its business stakeholders.

GlobalCCU Membership Community
M.N. Shivaprasad, TVS-IQL (India), Subhan Iswahyudi, PT Telkom Corporate University, (Indonesia) and Prasanna Shivakamat, Atos (India) presented the Membership Community through an inventive role play idea proposed by Shiva. They discussed together about the benefits they each gained from the first programme in 2022 and the great value they hoped to gain from the second. We have already received interest from ten Corporate Universities during the Forum for this year’s Membership Community, which will enable us to launch the second programme in September.

Wrap-up, personal action plans, lessons learnt, ways to improve and conclusions of the 2023 GlobalCCU Forum


Forum closing

Bosch Learning Campus – Benchmarking tour
The GlobalCCU Forum delegates were also royally welcomed by Dr Jagatheesh Jayanand and Aparna Dinesh in its peaceful and comfortable facilities, for an excellent live benchmarking tour that offered them impressive knowledge sharing on the Design thinking Academy, discovering the very clever Future leadership programme and Business Driven Learning Solution.

A million thanks!
Discover the event, the agenda, the speakers, the Partners and the venues here!
View the 2023 GlobalCCU Forum brochure here