Celebrating 20 years of bringing together Corporate University leaders from across the world, GlobalCCU launches the next prestigious GlobalCCU Awards
Across borders, continents and cultures, while more and more walls are being erected between countries and continents, GlobalCCU (Global Council of Corporate Universities), has, for more than twenty years, been gathering together directors of Corporate Universities from more than fifty countries over five continents, to allow them to exchange on their best practices, innovations, projects and questions. Every two years since 2013, GlobalCCU organises the GlobalCCU Awards, which have become the pinnacle of recognition for Corporate Universities across the world.
GlobalCCU invites Corporate Universities to participate in the unique 2025 GlobalCCU Awards, which reward the best of those that create outstanding value for People, Business, Society and the Planet. These awards recognise Corporate Universities, Academies, Centres of Excellence, Learning and Development structures that, in their context, have remarkably succeeded to challenge and implement the strategies of their Organisation and federate its stakeholders around the corporate culture and brand. https://www.globalccu.com/the-prestigious-2025-globalccu-awards-now-open-for-submissions
The 2025 GlobalCCU Awards feature seven categories
- Best Corporate University – Overall
- Best Corporate University – Business impact
- Best Corporate University – Culture
- Best Corporate University – Social and climate change impact
- Best Corporate University – Innovation
- Best Corporate University – Generative Artificial Intelligence implementation (NEW for 2025)
- Best Corporate University – Branding and durability
The names of the winners will be announced at a prestigious ceremony organised during the 2025 GlobalCCU Forum in May, a high-level intellectual and human event, which will allow participants to learn from each other, particularly from the best practice nuggets of the winning Corporate Universities, as well as from expert partners who will speak on pioneer themes for Corporate Universities today including Generative Artificial Intelligence and ecological transition.
The Best Overall Corporate University category Gold Award winners: celebrated in 2023 in Bangalore was Petrobras University (Brazil); in 2021 in Paris, Russian Railways Corporate University (Russia); in 2019 in Sao Paulo, PT Telkom Corporate University (Indonesia); in 2017 in Paris, Unibrad, Banco Bradesco (Brazil); in 2015 in Paris, UniBB, Banco do Brasil (Brazil) and in 2013 in Paris, DAU, Defense Acquisition University (USA).
Since 2013, one hundred trophies have been awarded to Corporate Universities over five continents. www.globalccu.com https://www.globalccu.com/awards/
GlobalCCU invites learning vendors/business schools/consultants to take advantage of this opportunity to showcase their expertise and services to international Corporate Universities, or simply to support the approach and values of GlobalCCU, to become partners of the 2025 GlobalCCU Awards. partnerships@globalccu.com
Create value for People, Business, Society and the Planet
through Learning and Development and Corporate Education
Media contact: Michelle Leynaud, GlobalCCU, +33 650 802 069 m.leynaud@globalccu.com
Distinct from other major award contests that exist in the world of Corporate Education and Learning and Development, the GlobalCCU Awards are:
- Truly global and prized (organised every two years, candidates apply from five continents)
- Unique in the management of Organisations (focused on the real impact of Corporate Universities on business and culture, on their strategic and operational effectiveness in their ecosystems, and on their ability to build innovative solutions in solving business problems or seizing development opportunities)
- Rich in ideals for our world (fairness, respect for differences and cultural contexts, corporate responsibility, common good)
- In-depth (requires relevant evidence to support good practice statements) and reliable (rigorous application process beyond the sole purposes of communication)
- Prestigious and unforgettable (celebration and recognition of winners in the presence of CEOs and VIPs during the exquisite GlobalCCU Awards Ceremony)
- Virtuous and useful for the profession (through the observation of trends / evolution and shaping the future).
- Judged by an Advisory and Judging Committee made up of Corporate University Directors chosen for their strategic maturity and multicultural experience.
GlobalCCU (Global Council of Corporate Universities), which will celebrate its 20th anniversary in 2025, is:
- The aggregator of Corporate Universities / Academies / Centres of Excellence in the world, bringing together an impressive network of peers, and allowing them to learn from each other and increase their performance
- A factory for strategists promoting the creation of value for People, Business, Society and the Planet
- A unique and respected organisation highlighting and rewarding Corporate Universities through the GlobalCCU Awards and Forums, the GlobalCCU CU Certification, CU branding Certification, Membership Community and Masterclasses
- The observatory of practices, needs and trends of Corporate Universities in the world, developing a unique benchmark in the sector
- A Membership Organisation gathering peers practicing learning and development and rich in their cultural differences. https://www.linkedin.com/company/global-council-of-corporate-universities
Semantics: Corporate Universities are educational structures based in private and public, commercial and non-commercial Organisations to: challenge and implement —through Learning & Development / Corporate education solutions — the Business strategies in human, economic, financial, technological, communication, social, environmental, ecological, digitisation terms, etc. and to embody the identity, culture and brand of the Organisation in all its stakeholders.
It is a space for applied education and applied strategies, where priority is given to teams, so that they can understand their company’s characteristics, challenges, issues and take new paths that leave the beaten track and become true political instruments. It’s a space for learning, thinking, sharing, creating, doing, mobilizing the collective intelligence; a structure of communication, debate and mediation. University, universitas: Latin of 13e: community
Founder and Chairwoman of GlobalCCU, Annick Renaud-Coulon is a true pioneer in the Corporate University field and a recognised global expert.
A strategist, visionary, passionate and creative, Annick is the spearhead of this sector that she has helped to structure for more than 20 years. She persistently fuels a dynamic of change and transformation of this profession, which is faced with increasingly numerous and complex systemic and technological developments and must remain fixed on fundamental values and principles of action always capable of offering real spaces of humanity in the world of work.
Born and living in France, this entrepreneur founded GlobalCCU in 2005, which remains under her leadership, the cradle for Corporate Universities and L&D practitioners worldwide. Author in 2000-2001 of the first in-depth and global study on Corporate Universities (800 pages in three volumes), she is the author of six other books including two on Corporate Universities. She also participated in two American collective works on the subject. Annick has visited and worked with many Corporate Universities around the world, in the United States, Brazil, India, South Africa, Turkey, Russia, Germany, the Netherlands, France to name a few. Speaker at international events, she also advises Organisations in the construction of their internal University.
Annick designed all GlobalCCU services, and the basis of reference common to all. Always ahead of the trends, in 2024 she led a study group with Corporate University leaders and wrote a white paper on the ‘Impact of Artificial Generative Intelligence on Corporate Universities’. Her credo since the creation of GlobalCCU is the necessary involvement of Corporate Universities in Corporate Social Responsibility and the fight against climate change and the ecological transition, no company can develop in an ocean of misery.
Annick Renaud-Coulon’s intelligence, tenacity, resilience and contagious energy put at the service of Organizations to encourage them to create value and innovate, continue to motivate and inspire corporate education practitioners from many countries. She was awarded the National Order of Merit medal in the Senate by the French government for her exceptional work. https://www.linkedin.com/in/annickrenaudcoulon
Interview suggestions of Annick Renaud-Coulon
Corporate Universities in 2024
In 2024, how do you think these internal educational structures are increasingly essential for organisations, whether they are private, public, commercial or non-commercial?
What are the advantages for an organisation to have its own Corporate University compared to companies that do not?
We see that Corporate Universities are fulfilling responsibilities that a few years ago belonged to states, education systems or parents. How do you explain these developments?
GlobalCCU Awards
Why did you create the GlobalCCU Awards? What was the trigger?
What are the main features of the GlobalCCU Awards since their creation?
How do the GlobalCCU Awards impact the winners and their companies?
What are your expectations regarding the best practices that will be highlighted by the candidates during the 2025 GlobalCCU Awards, especially in the category “Generative Artificial Intelligence implementation”?
How Generative Artificial Intelligence will impact Corporate Universities
You led a Study Group on Generative Artificial Intelligence with Corporate Universities executives in several countries, what were the main conclusions of this work?
What impact do you see today and in the future?
Will this impact be positive or negative? What are the benefits and threats that Corporate Universities can expect from Generative Artificial Intelligence?
Climate change and energy transition are becoming hot topics for Corporate Universities
Are Corporate Universities already involved in the fight against global warming and ecological transition?
Do you think they need to get more involved and have the means to stimulate the stakeholders of organisations on these issues, and if so, how?