
GlobalCCU Branding Certification

Assess and effectively develop a respected Corporate University brand with the GlobalCCU Branding Certification

The Corporate University brand is the sum of all that is known, thought, felt and perceived about it; the total addition of all human experiences, perceptions and feelings about it; the addition of all visible and invisible attributes and characteristics, intended or not; the idea of the Corporate University that resides in mind of its stakeholders that it is created, named, used on different resources.

  • Increase your awareness of the importance of a Corporate University brand, that is more than a logo, a motto or a graphic chart
  • Diagnose your Corporate University brand, both in its visible and invisible components, its strategic positioning and its equity
  • Start an action plan to control your Corporate University branding process in the duration giving you a relevant, reliable and long-lasting brand; a brand which identifies, brings together, brings value to your organisation and reassures your stakeholders
  • Be rewarded with a GlobalCCU Corporate University Brand Excellence CERTIFICATION delivered at the end of the journey if it is successful.
  • Be better prepared to submit for the next GlobalCCU Awards

What makes the GlobalCCU Branding Certification a must have ?

  • To auto-assess and effectively develop your Corporate University brand, with the guidance of a GlobalCCU Coach or not, depending on the level of service you choose
  • To learn how to make your Corporate University respected and liked
  • To ensure your Corporate University has a performant brand that is well know by its Client System and your main stakeholders in line with the Corporate Brand and Employer Brand
  • To professionalise your Corporate University team on the brand journey and give them the opportunity to do a unique benchmarking thanks to the many examples provided during the process
  • To decide on the most relevant improvements to implement from the outcomes of the assessment
  • To promote an image of modernity and efficiency communicated worldwide
  • To be better prepared to submit for the next GlobalCCU Awards.

How does it work ?

This three-month programme in three modules either Ultimate, Mastery or Discovery, contains many descriptions, definitions and supports and illustrations of Corporate University brands internationally, and additional coaching if needed, through a private and secured space in the GlobalCCU Branding Portal.

  • The programme begins with the easiest exercises, namely, to analyse the visible components of the Corporate University Brand, in particular in light of the illustrated benchmarking provided.
  • Then moving on to analyse the invisible components, which is more complex but essential
  • Finally, the analysis of the brand’s strategic positioning, analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of its Corporate University brand and build an efficient branding action plan.
  • The modules include, in total, 25 auto diagnosis tools which are questions to answer and proofs of evidence to provide within a private and secured space in the GlobalCCU Branding Portal
  • At the end of the journey, if it is successful, the candidates are rewarded by a GlobalCCU Corporate University Brand EXCELLENCE CERTIFICATE valid for three years, for the Premium Guidance, if it is successful or by a COMPLETION recognition digital logo for the Standard Guidance
  • The GlobalCCU Branding Certification is operated by coaches accredited by the certification body, chairman of GlobalCCU, in charge of accrediting the Body of Coaches and issuing the certificates and digital logos. They are former Corporate University Directors / Executives, recruited for their high-level professional experience and personal skill, accredited by our Assessment Body on their understanding of the GlobalCCU basis of reference and specifications to be used worldwide. They have signed an agreement to consciously respect the GlobalCCU Code of Conduct and are available to fully support you throughout the Assessment journey: conscientiously respect confidentiality, secrecy, impartiality, loyalty, respect of people and clients.

How to proceed ?

  • Check your eligibility
  • Fill-in and sign the Order Form, selecting your journey and agreeing with our general terms and conditions. The leader of the assessment project who completes and signs the Order Form will be the person liable to Univencis / GlobalCCU.
  • Once you are declared eligible, you will receive an invoice with payment details
  • Complete the payment. Applications without payment will not be processed.
  • Once the payment is received, you will receive your login and password to connect to your private space and your journey begins !


Ultimate Journey: 8 250 € (VAT excl.)
Mastery Journey: 5 200 € (VAT excl.)
Discovery Journey: 2 900 € (VAT excl.)
Additional e-coaching meeting: 1 250 € (VAT excl.) per unit

Terms and Conditions

General Conditions

  • To be eligible to this service that is not available to learning providers and consultants.
  • To accept our general conditions, especially the intellectual property of the documents, and the non-transfer in part or wholly of them to third parties, internally or externally.
  • To ensure that properly qualified, briefed and authorised personnel will be available to access the GlobalCCU private and secured space on the GlobalCCU website during the allocated three-month period.
  • To accept to use the personal and secure space of work through a login and password sent to the person signing the order form, who will be responsible for respecting the general conditions.
  • To commit to make this assessment journey strictly available for internal use only by authorised users who accept our conditions not to reproduce, distribute or transmit in part or wholly the content of the three modules and Master Document, in any form or by any means, inside or outside the organisation and particularly on the Internet.
  • To set-up a small internal Project team to prepare the replies to the questions, and the evidence required by the Assessment Body: pictures, documents, videos.
  • To keep within the three-month time constraint, for the organisation of the e-coaching meetings with the GlobalCCU Coach (for Ultimate and Mastery Journeys) and the completion of the written Master Document.
  • To accept the assessment process, and the decisions of Univencis / GlobalCCU with respect to the assessment done by the Assessment Body.

Terms and means of payment

Pay your invoice by bank transfer or by Credit Card via our Virtual Electronic Payment terminal. (3% commission to add). Bank charges and change costs must be made at the sender’s expense. VAT information: 20% VAT applicable for the Companies based in France.

Cancellation, refund

All payments must be processed to receive private credentials to connect to the GlobalCCU Branding Portal. No purchase fees will be refunded, except for reasons of force majeure.

For more information, please contact us at:

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GlobalCCU CU Certification

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GlobalCCU Branding Certification

Assess and effectively develop a respected Corporate University brand with the GlobalCCU Branding Certif ication

GlobalCCU Masterclasses

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