
GlobalCCU Membership Community

The GlobalCCU Membership Community is a true worldwide community of members interacting online regularly; a convivial circle of peers who learn from each other whatever their differences and activity sectors; a factory for strategists who envision a bright future for Learning and Development without borders in a complex, multipolar, paradoxical, digitized and changing world; a unique growing ecosystem of knowledge, experience, expertise, research-action, co-creation, innovation, recognition and influence at the global scale!

Members from around the world benchmark and go forward with their peers, finding the right solutions to their challenges and hot topics, discovering pioneering topics and new ways of working, enlarging their strategic thinking and making their voices heard

The 2023-2024 GlobalCCU Membership Community programme is now complete. If you are interested in joining a future GlobalCCU programme, please contact us at

What makes the GlobalCCU Membership Community a must have ?

Open to Corporate University and L&D practioners from around the world, the purpose of this dynamic annual programme is to support a global community of peers who want to work together to share their experience, who trust, advise, support and challenge each other, to access and produce knowledge and content for concrete solutions and recognition

EXPERIENCEDeep interactions in a close circle of known members which supersedes superficiality or the sole purpose of communication, expressing your needs, questions, doubts and sharing your return on experience with them, in a trusful atmosphere without any competition between members.
Learning from the experience of your peers which belong to the Corporate University community, to evaluate, through discussion and debates, the opportunity, or not, to implement their best practices in your own context, to nurture the strategy and the management of your Corporate University, an experience that cannot be bought in the market.
Humanly speaking, not to be isolated or overwhelmed facing your short and long-term issues or your local and global projects in the uncertain environment where we now work.
KNOWLEDGEAccess to new knowledge of your peers worldwide and to the renowned framework of reference of GlobalCCU.
Engagement in a corpus of knowledge that will make your voice heard pragmatically and efficiently in the anticipation of the future of Corporate Education and Learning & development activity sector.
SOLUTIONSGrasp of new ideas to launch projects not previously thought of that will improve the performance of your Corporate University.
– Advice and guidance from your peers and experts to solve your hot topics and main strategic issues thanks to the strategic and pragmatic support of the Community without any exchange of money with them.
Identification and reinforcement of the strengths of your Corporate University to solve problems facing your Organisation and participation in the recognition of Corporate Universities as a true vital lever for People, Business, Society and the Planet.
RECOGNITIONValorisation of your outstanding best practices and your strategic thinking, of your capacity to help and guide your peers and proof of your creation of value for your governance.
Capital management of your team to a new level of development and the opportunity for them to receive a GlobalCCU Membership Community diploma.
– Promotion of your Corporate University brand and your Corporate Brand, to peers participating in the programme and other stakeholders.

How does it work ?

The annual Membership Community includes three activities :

1. Corporate University best practices workshops

CUs learn from CUs

  • They are intensive journeys focused on innovative best innovative practice nuggets from the members, selected by the Membership Community Governance team organised around the topics: People, Business, Culture, Corporate University Strategic & Operational efficiency, Society, Technologies, Ecological environment
  • The purpose is to learn from the experiences of each other, to nurture the strategy and the management of their Corporate University, to evaluate, through discussion and debates, in a trustful atmosphere, the opportunity, or not, to implement these best practices in their own context.
  • Organisation:
    • Four Corporate University best practice workshop online events are organised and hosted virtually by a Corporate University volunteer.
    • An initial questionnaire is sent to the Directors of Corporate Universities / L&D structures and Coordinators to request they propose their best practices they wish to share with their peers.
    • Five topics are chosen for the programme and the schedule is defined by the Membership Community Governance team.
    • Each workshop is prepared and presented by a task force composed of member volunteers from different countries and cultures and coordinated by GlobalCCU.
    • The outcomes of their preparation is shared with all the GlobalCCU Membership members during a four-hour online workshop event.
    • Lessons learnt are shared and communicated with the attendees.

2. I need / I can help working groups for solutions

CUs find solutions with CUs

  • They are groups of exchange that consist of listening to the ‘I need’ subjects shared by owners, analysing the context and then listening to the peers who have a strong experience in similar situations. Together with the other members, the group help to guide the I need owners to the most efficient and pragmatic solution possible and to ways of development. To respond to the I need owners, members with I can help solutions, share their expertise and practices, completed with the guidance of the other members.
  • The purpose is to provide an unmissable workspace and an indispensable source of exchange for the members, beneficiaries and contributors alternatively, to solve true issues or to seize opportunities of development for the benefit of their Company / Organisation. This allows them to gain time and money, thanks to the strategic and pragmatic support of the Community.
  • Organisation:
    • Two ‘I need / I can help’ working groups for solutions are organised and hosted virtually by a Corporate University volunteer.
    • An initial questionnaire allows the Directors of Corporate Universities / L&D structures and coordinators to propose their ‘I need / I can help’ subjects.
    • The final programme is defined collectively by the Membership Governance team.
    • Preparation of each working group is assured by a task force composed of the owner(s) of the issue or opportunity to seize and a GlobalCCU facilitator who defines the objectives and the programme, given a standard format provided by GlobalCCU.
    • The outcomes of their preparation are shared with the GlobalCCU Membership members during a three-hour online workshop event.
    • All attendees play a specific role during the working group events to analyse the context, to challenge the key players and to react on their final proposals.

3. Study group on a topic to be defined with the members

CUs go forward for CUs

  • It is is a cluster of Membership Community members who investigate an innovative topic and its impact on the Corporate University profession from different parts of the world.
  • The purpose is to shape the future of Corporate Universities regarding the topic analysed; to explore its impact on Corporate Universities and L&D structures, what is at stake for them based on the GlobalCCU basis of reference, the advantages and limits across different cultures, geographical locations and activity sectors; identify the best conditions of their creation of value for People, Business, Society and the Planet in this evolving context.
  • Organisation:
    • The team decides on the schedule, agenda and roles needed to reach the objective of the study group, as well as identify potential sources of information and expertise needed from inside the Community.
    • It is possible to create regional sub-groups to bring together analyses and trends in practices of Corporate Universities according to their culture(s).
    • The activity is around qualifying and reviewing literature and practice on the topic analysed, innovation and research and compiling them as a conceptual framework.
    • The study group is run as a light project with regular team meetings for information sharing, brainstorming and documenting.
    • The study group’s work culminates at the end of the annual programme (before the closing event) with the production of a GlobalCCU white paper validated by Annick Renaud-Coulon, shared with all GlobalCCU Community members.

The Membership Community governance team

To maintain its high level of attractiveness and efficiency, the Membership Community is run as follows:

  • One short meeting per quarter is organised with the Corporate University / L&D structures Directors.
  • One meeting per month is organised with the coordinators, who are the main operating interface between the Members of their team and GlobalCCU.
  • The GlobalCCU Membership Community is run full time by a dedicated Manager, Elena Zlobina.
  • Membership Community facilitators and experts lead and facilitate the task forces.
  • Annick Renaud-Coulon provides inspiration for the ‘scientific’ work and impetus, controls the outcomes of the groups before sharing and decides in case of need.

Membership benefits and conditions overview :

MembersUp to 7Up to 5Up to 4
Opening eventUp to 7Up to 5Up to 4
Three Best practice workshopsUp to 7 members
Priority 1 to host and present a Best Practice Workshop
Up to 5 members
Priority 2 to host and present a Best Practice Workshop
Up to 4 members
Priority 3 to host and present a Best Practice Workshop
Three I need / I can help Working groups for solutionsUp to 7 members
Priority 1 to submit one ‘I need or one I can help’
Up to 5 members
Priority 2 to submit one ‘I need or one I can help’
No access
One Study groupUp to 2 members
Priority to host study group meetings
Possibility to invite up to 3 guests of their Organisation at the presentation of the outcomes of the Study group, additionally to the 7 members
Up to 2 members
Priority to host study group meetings
Possibility to invite up to 2 guests of their Organisation at the presentation of the outcomes of the Study group, additionally to the 5 members
1 member, and participation of the 4 members at the presentation of the outcomes to the Study group
Closing eventUp to 7 membersUp to 5 membersUp to 4 members

Terms and Conditions

General Conditions

  • To ensure that properly qualified, briefed and authorised personnel are available to access the GlobalCCU Membership Community work and space.
  • The program that is presented is exclusive of any other activities.
  • To commit to make the GlobalCCU Membership Community work strictly available for internal use only by authorised Members who accept our conditions and to keep it confidential.
  • To not reproduce, distribute or transmit in part or wholly the content shared inside the Community to non-members and third parties, in any form or by any means, inside or outside the organisation and particularly on the Internet. Each member specifies on their documents if they are communicable to the members or not. GlobalCCU is not accountable of the members’ copyright.
  • To actively participate in the activities when Members are eligible for them. Recordings of meetings can be made for archival purposes, and are not be distributed to other members, for reasons of image control. Each event takes place only once and cannot be repeated.

Common commitment required

  • Effective participation of all the members in the activities
  • Support an efficient and effective collaborative work and group production
  • Provision of relevant and innovative presentations, videos and materials
  • Contribution to the excellence of the work and communication within the Community
  • Commitment to give feedback when required so as to not block the collective work (principle: if you don’t reply, it is understood you agree)
  • Commitment to take care of the communication on the GlobalCCU Membership Community externally in relationship with Michelle Leynaud, Communications manager at GlobalCCU.

Membership rules

  • It is the parent organisation that is the owner of the membership and not its representatives in the GlobalCCU Membership Community.
  • Memberships are linked to professional email addresses that can be used by their owner only.
  • Members are registered intuitu personae and cannot normally be replaced. However, if a member changes role or leaves the member company, they can be replaced for the remaining period of the membership term.
  • Memberships are aligned on the annual membership agenda of every year. If the registration is made once the launch of the programme begins, the fees will is calculated on a prorata basis.
  • Members accept the terms and conditions which need to be respected and must inform GlobalCCU on job changes or their departure from the company.

For more information, please contact us on:

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GlobalCCU CU Certification

Take your Corporate University towards excellence with the GlobalCCU CU Certification.

GlobalCCU Awards & Forums

Inspire your peers & highlight your Corporate University worldwide with the GlobalCCU Awards and through the GlobalCCU Forum.

GlobalCCU Membership Community

Benchmark and go forward with your peers thanks to the GlobalCCU Membership Community.

GlobalCCU Branding Certification

Assess and effectively develop a respected Corporate University brand with the GlobalCCU Branding Certif ication

GlobalCCU Masterclasses

Learn how to drive the efficiency and durability of your corporate University with the GlobalCCU Masterclasses.